Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Cost of Apathy

On this 4th of July we are reminded of our freedoms that were brought about by our founding fathers and countless of lives sacrificed for it. But as a nation, we have become apathetic. We have become so involved in the struggles of daily life that we have lost site of what is happening in our government and to our nation. We elected a man that could speak well under the instruction of a TelePrompter and good speech writers. The great orator. A man with no experience in running a state or a business. He spoke words that sounded good but never really meant anything. The great deceiver. We were tired of the war so he said he would end it. We wanted change for the sake of change not realizing that his change meant destroying our economy, freedoms and liberties. Let's be clear, Obama wants to destroy America and remake it in his own image. He wants to tax us into poverty and if we do not wake up he will be successful.

Our only hope is that the people will realize that freedom is not free and we can no longer remain ignorant of the policies of the people we elect to serve us. Keep America the beacon of hope and freedom around the world. Be informed, do your research and become a patriot. May God bless our nation and it's people and protect us from those who wish to do us harm.....and that includes the current administration and any member of congress that supports the eroding of our freedoms.

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