Thursday, September 10, 2009

Bill HR 1444 Congressional Commission of Civic Service Act. (click here to see the bill)

There was quite a bit of uproar about the President's speech to our children this past week. Most of the uproar had to do with the NEA's recommendation for after speech activities. When it was found out what was planned, they changed the wording of some of the recommendations so as not to sound as if they were trying to indoctrinate our kids with Liberal propaganda. Obama ended up delivering a conservative speech about working hard and staying in school.

Now we have a bill in congress called HR1444 Congressional Commission of Civic Service Act. It will be a study of how the government can encourage young people to volunteer. Sounds innocent enough or does it?

Click on the title bar and read Section 4, Duties, Specific Topics item #6. In this line of text they will study how mandatory service could be implemented. I said MANDATORY SERVICE. In the constitution under amendment XIII it is unconstitutional to require this. This amendment abolished slavery.

My Son experienced indoctrination in his school. Last year my Son's asst. teacher held a discussion about the differences between Obama and McCain. One of the differences outlined was that Obama would give people choices as to whether they would have children and McCain would not give them a choice. The statement was false by the teacher and she was clearly partisan. My Son told me this out of casual conversation about his day at school. When I heard what was being said in the classroom I immediately called the school and spoke to the principle about what he had heard. In the end the teacher was reprimanded. That same year the "Christmas" program was about going green. Some of the words of the songs talked about how humans are destroying the earth. Needless to say I did not allow my son to participate in the program and was required to write a letter to the school to explain my position. I am pretty sure they got the point.

Politics should never be a part of the school curriculum. The green movement is political and kids should never be taught that the earth is being destroyed by the very people who inhabit it because there is no proof to that effect. There has been no consensus, only opinions one way or the other. Of course students should be taught about the hierarchy of government and how it works but children should not be indoctrinated to any one particular agenda of either parties affiliations through the school districts or the government.

Whether you believe it or not indoctrination is going on in schools and this new bill in the house is another bold attempt at indoctrinating young people through captive mandatory service. What will the be taught during their stint in National Service? Who will they be serving? What will be the required curriculum?

As parents we must be diligent in knowing what are kids are being exposed to in school. As citizens we must be diligent in knowing what our government is planning concerning our kids. Ask your kids about how their day went. Listen to them. Know what their teachers are teaching. Speak out when you think that something is amiss and stand your ground. Hold your government accountable when they step over constitutional boundaries. It is a daunting task. Sometimes even overwhelming. It is our duty as citizens to uphold the constitution when our government ignores it. That is how I will teach my children to individually serve this great nation and it didn't require a government agency, tax dollars, or Acorn to get it done.

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