Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Abortion Issue

I was reading last night how out of the 14th amendment to the constitution came the decision of Roe. vs. Wade and I was astounded that being legally able to kill a baby inside your body would come from "Due Process" and under that the "Right to Privacy." Click on the title bar to link to the website. What a stretch that was. What about drug use? Wouldn't that fall under this category as well? And yet there are laws prohibiting the use of drugs. My personal belief is that human life is to be respected no matter how underdeveloped and that a woman's right to chose starts when she chooses to have sex knowing full well that it would result in an unwanted pregnancy. The only exception that should be allowed would be in the case of rape or incest for obvious reasons. (I personally don't think I could do it even under those circumstances.)

If a woman were to have sex knowing it could result in an unwanted pregnancy, maybe sex is not what she should be doing. Is sex so much more important than a human life? What about birth control. I was married for 13 years before I decided to have a child. I chose reliable birth control and it worked well for me. Nowadays there are so many more choices out there so I must ask "why is abortion still needed?" Believe me, it is not the solution to the problem, it only creates more problems for women who chose to do it. I personally know someone who had an abortion and it has literally ruined her happiness and self esteem and she will have to live with the guilt of that decision for the rest of her life. I remember the night she called me so emotionally distressed and on the verge of suicide over what she had done and I told her that God would forgive her so she should forgive herself but she still can't get over it and probably never will. (Those are the stories planned parenthood does not tell you.)

The government currently uses our tax dollars to fund abortions for poor woman and now under President Obama sends money overseas to clinics who promote and perform the procedure. (So much for "It is above my pay grade to know when life begins".) Maybe planned parenthood should pick up the tab for poor woman. And if it is a "privacy" issue, how is it that public dollars are being spent each year to fund and promote such an evil procedure? The government should not be in the business of paying for or promoting abortion in this or any other country. It is a huge blight on our Constitution and the morality of our Nation. May God forgive us for legally allowing the killing of innocent human life and for the money our government pays each year to institutions who profit from it.

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