Friday, June 5, 2009

Environmental Movement Declared A Religion.

Definition of Religion 1: the service and worship of God or the supernatural 2;devotion to a religious faith 3;organized system of faith and worship or personal set of religious beliefs or practices 4; a cause, principle or belief held to with faith and ardor

Climate Chains from Climate Chains on Vimeo.

I am declaring the environmental movement a Religion. Mother Earth is it's God, carbon credits is it's tithe and they, through faith, hold a belief that man is responsible for climate change i.e. global warming which is destroying their God, Mother Earth.

It has never been proven that man or the activities of man is responsible for climate change or that climate change is harmful to the earth yet the environmentalists and the government is indoctrinating the entire nation to the belief that humans are to blame for global warming. The government through cap and trade legislation, will force every American to worship Mother Earth so as to change our behaviors through punitive legislation on the coal and natural gas industries. This will significantly raise every Americans utility bills which will force many of us to use less thereby saving Mother Earth. They are even considering raising the federal tax on gasoline to not only increase revenues but force us to drive less or drive more efficient "green" vehicles. (How convenient for the government to own GM). Click on the You Tube link to hear it straight from Timothy Geithner's mouth.

I bet those of you who voted for Obama didn't expect this. Don't count on the 95% of Americans getting a tax cut or reimbursement from the government if this goes into effect. They won't be able to afford it. Congress is already discussing rolling back the small amount of individual stimulus i.e. tax withholding to offset the huge deficits Obama-nomics is creating. The only way to reduce our dependence on foreign oil is to drill baby, drill!

The Environmentalist movement is clearly a religion based on the definition of the word outlined in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. They serve the God, Mother Earth, they are devoted to their cause, they are organized and their beliefs are based on faith, not fact and they believe so reverently that they spread their "gospel" ardently.
If any "green" legislation is passed in the form of cap and trade, the government is clearly in violation of the First Amendment, Freedom of Religion. Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion.....

Check out this website to get it straight from their mouths.
Click here for website

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